Dev-Team Blog
To find yourself, think for yourself © Socrates 469 BC
Beta O'Clock 

Today at exactly 2 minutes past Beta O'Clock we are releasing a beta version of redsn0w. The release hopes to simplify the jailbreaking of your iPod touch 2G.

redsn0w is currently in beta as it relies on the user running it from the command line, but this new redsn0w functionality is being added into our GUI applications.

If you are not fully confident with using the command line, then hold off for those simpler tools that will be released sometime soon.

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implementation ⓒ2009 iPhone Dev Team
vulnerability: pod2g, MuscleNerd
exploit: planetbeing, CPICH, posixninja, chronic, ius

This work is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Modification or redistribution without written consent is expressly prohibited.


The redsn0w site shows the latest release version, it is currently at v0.3.